Fri Apr 15 '22 Announcement
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, Apr 15, 2022 at 11:09:12 PM
Here's a quick update to keep you abreast of everything.
Real Science Meets Star Trek Science
In early March the ESA invited the documentary and Garrett Wang to Novespace in Bordeaux, France to participate in a Zero-G Flight Campaign. Garrett was already going to be at a Star Trek convention in Italy right before that, so it was a quick trip over to Bordeaux from there.
On the flight, were scientists exploring the building blocks to technology that was imagined in Star Trek: Voyager. Garrett even took part in one of the experiments while experiencing zero gravity and we filmed it!
Away Missions, Backlot Tours, and Winery Event
These events are coming up next month. So please be sure you are checking your inboxes for our emails if you donated at these levels. This week of events is going to be so much fun and we're really looking forward to experiencing it with you.
Physical Perks
As you might imagine, the manufacturer in China that is making the Janeway mugs is experiencing delays because of China's biggest Covid outbreak and lockdowns currently happening. Nonetheless, we've been told they should be completed in a couple of weeks.
Once everything arrives, we will be shipping it all out to you -- except for the blu-ray/DVD combo pack which will go out once the film is completed. We will continue to keep you updated on all new information as soon as we get it. Thanks so much for your patience!
*Please be sure you have completed your backerkit survey, and please change your address on the backerkit account if you have moved recently. Thank you! If you can't find your survey, you can have it emailed to you again by following this link:
Thank you all for your continued support and have a fantastic weekend!
Wed Apr 6 '22 Announcement
almost 3 years ago
– Wed, Apr 06, 2022 at 11:00:34 AM
Hello Voyager fans!
Teaser Premieres Tonight!
As some of you may know, we've got a new teaser for the documentary that was made possible by YOUR donations -- thank you!
Today, at 5pm PT / 8pm ET, the teaser video will premiere publicly on our Voyager Documentary YouTube channel. Feel free to subscribe to the channel so you don't miss any new videos. YouTube's premiere function allows you to watch with your fellow fans and interact with one another in the "live chat."
To watch the public premiere of the new teaser with your fellow fans, CLICK HERE.
Perk Fulfillment
We'll be sending you another update with specific perk fulfillment information very soon, so keep an eye out for that! In a nutshell, we're waiting on a couple final things and then we'll begin shipping out physical perks. It's getting very close -- thank you so much for your patience!
Thank you, again, for your continued support, and we'll see you tonight!
Fri Mar 18 '22 Announcement
almost 3 years ago
– Fri, Mar 18, 2022 at 02:56:14 AM
The Star Trek Cruise
Earlier this month, we returned from our one week excursion on the Star Trek Cruise. We got a lot of great footage, and we're getting close to finishing up the filming portion of this venture! We also did a Voyager Doc panel in front of a very supportive and fun audience.
Thank you to ECP and the good people at the Star Trek Cruise for everything -- we had an incredible time!
If you'd like to see pictures, we posted some on our social media and the donors-only group HERE.
Physical Perks
The manufacturer in China has told us the Janeway coffee mugs will be ready to ship out at the beginning of April. We will update you once those do ship.
After we've received those, and the shirts, we will ship all of the physical perks to you (except the blu-ray/DVD combo pack which will be sent out once the film is completed). We've got everything else ready to go, it all looks amazing, and we are are eager to send them to you.
Live Video Update
We will be updating you on production, perks, and what is coming up in the future LIVE today at 1pm PT / 4pm ET. We will also be showing you a SNEAK PEEK during that time. So feel free to watch and ask questions if you'd like!
Watch the live video HERE.
Thanks again for everything, and we'll see you soon!
Fri Jan 14 '22 Announcement
about 3 years ago
– Fri, Jan 14, 2022 at 11:44:43 PM
Hello and happy weekend!
We hope the New Year is treating you very well.
First off, if you donated for the Star Trek Cruise Drinks with Cast event, Away Missions, Backlot Tour, or Casey's Winery, please check your inboxes as we've emailed you directly about those in the last day or two. If you can't find it, please check your spam/promo/other folders. We are using this same email address that these updates are going to.
Second, as with everything lately, COVID has been creating significant hurdles and challenges. The good news is that our production continues to "adapt" and move forward. That being said, here's an update!
We have filmed so much great stuff! Be it from last Summer's big shoot, smaller weekend shoots in the Fall, or on-location snippets, we are getting amazing footage and are so excited for you to see the final product.
We still have a bit more to do and much of that will be shot six weeks from now on the Star Trek Cruise! So if you're there and see us, say hello! Unless we're filming -- then a wave will do.
We will continue to keep you updated on all that as things progress.
Perk Fulfillment
If you donated for any of the events, again, please keep an eye on your inboxes -- you should've received a couple emails regarding those. They're all happening in the next few months!
Other than the DVDs and blu-rays (which will be sent out once the film is completed), the physical perks are all being designed, ordered, and shipped over to us. Many of them have already arrived and are looking great!
Here's a tiny sneak peak...

No kitchen is complete without them!
With the delay of the Chinese New Year, the final physical perks (the Janeway Coffee Mugs, coming from China) won't be shipped to us until March. Once we receive those, we'll begin packaging everything up and shipping them out!
So look for things to ship out in a couple months, late March or April. We'll continue to keep you updated on everything as we go!
Thank you for your support, thank you for your patience, and have a fantastic weekend!
Sat Dec 4 '21 Announcement
about 3 years ago
– Sat, Dec 04, 2021 at 12:24:56 AM
Hello Star Trek fans!
We are continuing to shoot incredible interviews for this documentary with some of the most amazing people. Here's a little sneak peek of one of our most recent ones that you might recognize...

It was great seeing so many of you at Destination Star Trek! We loved you seeing all of you there. We'd also like to give a special thanks to the good people that run that convention.
Away Missions + Winery
For those of you that donated for the Away Missions, Tour, and/or Paso Robles Winery, you'll be happy to know that we've begun the process of planning those out! As expected, we are still aiming for Spring of 2022, and it's looking like late April or May. We will have more details for you soon so that you can begin booking travel. We are SO excited to see all of you in the Spring! It's going to be a great time.
Physical Perks
Now that we've locked orders on Backerkit and you've all locked in your addresses, we are knee-deep into ordering the products. We'll be keeping you posted on all that shortly. Please be aware there are some delays in the supply chain and shipments, but everything WILL arrive and we'll be sending it out to you as soon as possible.
For those of you that donated for the event at the 2022 Star Trek Cruise, we're excited to be seeing you soon! Everything is still going according to plan on that front and we'll be contacting you via email with the pertinent information shortly before Cruise.
Backerkit Survey
If you haven't filled out your survey or can't remember if you did, just follow the link below and have it sent to your email inbox:
Thank You
Have we thanked you lately? You're the best fans in the Quadrant and we're looking forward to giving you the best thank you of all -- a fantastic film that celebrates a groundbreaking Star Trek series.
-455 Films