Mon Mar 8 '21 Announcement
almost 4 years ago
– Mon, Mar 08, 2021 at 05:39:36 PM
Wow. We're absolutely blown away by this number. Not only are we fast approaching Stretch Goal #6 already, but we are about to pass our own DS9 Doc as the most successful Documentary campaign in Indiegogo's history! We are so grateful to you, the fans, as well as to our previous productions for paving the way for this to be the success that it is (so far). Because fo you, we are going to make the most amazing documentary, celebrating this ground-breaking series.
A quick reminder that you CAN donate multiple times on Indiegogo, so you can claim as many perks and packages as you'd like! Feel free to check in periodically to see what's new.
Speaking of new, we have new perks! One of which is a new Zoom Experience with Terry Farrell! We've also added the Janeway Replica Mug as a regular stand alone perk. We will continue to add exciting perks as the campaign rolls on, so keep checking back right here:
Live Q&A Video
Tomorrow, Tuesday, at 2pm PT / 5pm ET, we will have a live Q&A video to answer questions about perks and donations (please keep questions to those two things). Please feel free to join and ask your questions in the comments, or just pop in to say hello and possibly get more informaiton about how the campaign's perks work. We will do our best to answer as many as possible, as well as questions that have been asked over the past week.
Some topics will include: Away Missions, Zoom Experiences, and potential donation issues.
Feel free to join by clicking on either of these two locations:
The Donors-Only Group
Our brand new Voyager Documentary Donors-Only Facebook group is now open! This is where you'll be getting production updates in the coming weeks and months, as well as discussion threads for meet-ups, carpools, and questions regarding Away Missions and other VOY Doc-related things.
Come one, come all, and have a look around -- the paint is still wet! Click the link below to join:
(Please don't share the link with anyone.)
Please be sure to continue sharing the campaign everywhere and getting your friends involved.
Once again, thank you all for your support and for helping us to give Voyager the celebration is deserves!