To The Journey - Looking Back At Star Trek: Voyager
Created by 455 Films (The Voyager Documentary)
The production team of "For the Love of Spock," "The Captains," and "What We Left Behind," now bring you The Voyager Documentary!
Donate to film today by selecting one or more of the exclusive donation perks below.
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Tue Aug 24 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago
– Tue, Aug 24, 2021 at 05:00:58 PM
First of all, if you lost or have not received your Backerkit survey, you can have it re-sent to you by clickingHERE.
(Please use the email address that is connected with this Indiegogo campaign.)
Please be sure to complete your surveys as they are vital to completing fulfillment and the shipping of your perks.
Third, below is a Sneak Peek of what's in store for you, in the Voyager Documentary!
We are so proud of what we've accomplished so far and are eternally grateful to you for making it happen. Thank you! There's more to come!
Mon Aug 9 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago
– Mon, Aug 09, 2021 at 01:22:23 PM
Backerkit Surveys
We've sent out the first batch of bacekrkit surveys over the weekend, and are sending the rest today.
These surveys only take a minute. Their purpose is to confirm mailing addresses or let you edit/update them, enter in the name you'd like to appear for your credits on the website and/or in the film, pick your shirt sizes and styles, etc.. -- all the very important final details we need to collect before we fulfill your perks! So please fill out the quick survey from Backerkit and we'll take it from there!
You'll also have the opportunity for any last minute additional perks you'd like to get!
The 55-Year Convention in Las Vegas
We will be at the Las Vegas sci-fi convention all week, so come say hello if you see us! We'll also be doing a panel on Sunday, 8/15, at 10:45 AM, and we'd love to see you there! So check the convention schedule to confirm time and location/stage!
Filming the Documentary
We've had an extremely busy Summer, and have shot over THIRTY interviews already for this film! This is all thanks to you, so once again, and from the bottom of our hearts, THANK YOU!
We have not announced all of the interviews/interviewees yet, but you can see who we have announced so far at the links below, and we'll be announcing many, many more very soon!
(If you do not use social media, don't worry, we'll be updating you here consistently with everything, including all of the interviewees!)
As always, thank you for everything, and we'll see you soon!
-455 Films
Fri Aug 6 '21 Announcement
over 3 years ago
– Fri, Aug 06, 2021 at 12:01:34 AM
Hello there!
This is just a quick update to tell you that the first batch of Backerkit surveyswere just emailed out to your inboxes! PLEASE DO NOT DELETE THEM.
These surveys only take a minute. Their purpose is to confirm mailing addresses or let you edit/update them, enter in the name you'd like to appear for your credits on the website and/or in the film, pick your shirt sizes and styles, etc.. -- all the very important final details we need to collect before we fulfill your perks! So please fill out the quick survey from Backerkit and we'll take it from there!
NOTE: If you have not yet received your Backerkit survey, it will be emailed to you with the next batch in the coming days. So please keep an eye out for it!
Big Announcement Coming
We've got exciting news to tell you in the coming days. So watch for our next update!
We'll see you soon!
Fri Apr 23 '21 Announcement
almost 4 years ago
– Fri, Apr 23, 2021 at 04:28:01 PM
Closing out Indiegogo Contributions
It was a historic run, both with the campaign in March and the subsequent InDemand function in April, but it's time for us to close down the Indiegogo contributions and focus on fulfillment of perks and production of the film.
Once the contribution option is closed on Indiegogo, we will begin importing the entire campaign into a website called Backerkit.
What is Backerkit?
Backerkit is a site that helps successful campaigns' fullfillment of perks with better organization, efficiency, and accuracy. With this site, backers can add to their pledges and perks, as well as change important information like shipping address. This is especially important for people that might be moving in the coming months.
We will also have many of the perks of the campaign still available on the new backerkit page, so if there's something you still want to get, no problem, you can get it there!
What Do I Need to Do?
Right now, nothing. But it is VITAL that you open every email we send your way, as backerkit will send out an email with the ever-important survey. This survey is how you will lock in all your details and confirm that everything is accurate.
It's super easy, and it gives you confidence that everything is perfect. And then, we'll begin the process of manufacturing perks and shipping them out to you! So please be sure to open those emails and complete that quick survey!
Zoom Experience Perks Information
We will be sending out an important email to everyone that is owed Zoom Experience perks later tonight. It will have information on tutorials, what to expect, and scheduling.
If you are not receiving emails from us, PLEASE login to your indiegogo account and make sure the email address you've got there is correct - that's where all the emails will be going!
Thank You
Thank you all, once again, for your continued support and faith in this production. We're looking forward to making an incredible film of which we can all be proud.
-455 Films
Wed Apr 7 '21 Announcement
almost 4 years ago
– Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 12:40:38 AM
We are very eager to begin the next phase of in-person interviews. While this is being planned, here's an update on what's next for you and the project.
In this update:
Live thank you video this Sunday
Donors-only group
We will be sending out a survey with Backerkit shortly. Please keep an eye out for it. For those that aren't familiar with it, backerkit is a site that helps with fulfillment of perks. This survey will allow you to confirm or change the perks you've chosen, as well as change or update your address and input the name(s) you'd like displayed on our website and end credits (for those that chose those perks).
It's especially important because, if at any point you move to a different address, you can just update it on backerkit and you're all set!
Live Video
We will have a live panel with the team this Sunday, April 11th, at 3pm PST / 6pm EST / 11pm UK. We'd love a chance to thank you directly for your overwhelming support and positivity -- and maybe answer a few questions. So join us if you're able!
This will be live and interactive, or you can just watch. You can join by clicking on any of the three locations below:
We are beginning the process of perk fulfillment. The first perks that will be fulfilled in the coming weeks and months are Zoom Experiences (including the Zoom Admirals), The Delta Flyers guest host, and The 7th Rule one year subscription. These will be removed from our Indiegogo page in the coming days as we fulfill them.
For the Zoom Experiences, we will be emailing you directly with instructions on how to download and/or join Zoom, as well as a couple dates for live practice Zoom tutorials, in which we will be happy to answer any questions you may have, help you with tech issues, and give you information as to how the sessions with the actors will go. So please watch for that email when we send it out!
For The 7th Rule subscription, we will be emailing those who chose this perk directly and connecting you with the good people at T7R. From there, they'll set you up with your subscription. It'll be extremely easy and there's nothing to download, sign up for, or hook up.
Donors-Only Group
The donors-only group can be joined by clicking HERE.
For those of you that do not use Facebook, we will still be sending out all the information you need via these updates and emails, so you won't miss a thing!
Once again, we thank you all for everything. We cannot wait to make this incredible documentary for you, and for Voyager.